Wednesdays 3.30-4.30pm, 7-9 year olds
Linwood Arts runs free art classes for 7-9 year olds who live in Christchurch’s Inner City East* on a term by term enrolment basis.
The current class runs from 12 Feb – 9 April.
Term Two runs from 7 May – 25 June. Feel free to enquire about enrolment for Term Two.
We are looking for kids who are keen on art and who can commit to a one-hour class per week for a term.
The classes will be small and taught by professional artists with teaching experience.
Each week a particular technique will be role-modelled but there will also be a choice of art activities available so that the children can decide for themselves what they would like to begin with.
* For these classes the Inner City East is defined as CHCH Central, Phillipstown, Linwood, Bromley, Wainoni, Aranui, Dallington, Avonside, Richmond & Edgeware. These boundaries are subject to review each semester.
If you have a child interested in participating, please email with the following information:
Child’s Name:
Child’s Age:
Parent/Guardian’s Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Home Address: