14 Daytime Classes & Activities

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We offer 14 different weekly art classes and activities, most of which you can jump into anytime. All our art classes and activities are either free or cost between $3.50-$5 per class.  
There are free kids art classes for Inner City East kids, free art classes for everyone on Saturday afternoons, art classes that teach you drawing skills or painting with oils and acrylics, Maori arts and crafts, art for wellbeing, two specialist classes for older folk, one in dance and the other in arts and crafts, a multicultural art class offering different art styles from around the world, a creative writing class and a printmaking class.
The only classes that you have to enrol for are the free kids art classes (by semester) and Multicultural Art (enrolments are topic by topic which usually means month by month). The rest are drop-in, although it’s a good idea to book ahead. This is simply to ensure that you don’t come along to a class only to find the room full already. Our classes are popular so we’d hate you to miss out! You can book up to month in advance or just week by week if you’d prefer by emailing arts@tewhare.org or phoning 03 981 2881.
Click on class images below for more details about individual classes.
Please note that we don’t offer any classes that are suitable to bring children under 6 years old.
Some classes are suitable for children aged 6-14 but they must be accompanied by a caregiver (except the free kids classes which do not require this). Please check the specific class you’re interested in before bringing children.

Classes made possible through funding support from Manatu Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage.

The Linwood Community Arts Centre (Linwood Arts for short) is a project of Te Whare Roimata Trust.

Mature Movement for 55+ with Fleur de Thier, Tuesdays 10-11.30am
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Drawing Fundamentals with Maree Cole, Tuesdays 12.30-2.30pm
Free classes for Inner City East kids, Tuesdays-Thursdays for 6-13 year olds
He Toki Maitai: Maori Arts & Crafts, Wednesdays 1-2.30pm with Jon Jeet
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Arts & Crafts for 55+, Thursdays 1-2.30pm, topics change regularly
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Multicultural Art, Thursdays 5.30-7pm
Wellbeing Winnie
Art for Wellbeing, Fridays 10.30-12noon, topics change regularly
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Painting in Oils & Acrylics (Artist Development), Fridays 12.30-2pm
Friday Open Art Class with Maree Cole, 2.30-4.30pm
Poetry & Flash Fiction Fridays, 4-5pm in Eastside Gallery
Portraits of author Frankie McMillan with her new book My Mother and the Hungarians, 9.8.16.

Client, CUP.
Creative Writing, Saturdays 12.30-2pm with Frankie McMillan.
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Free Art Saturdays, 2.30-4.30pm, topics change regularly